Modernization, Maturity, & the Playbook: Part 2 – Ideas for Standardizing Maturity Mapping | Past Expert Insights Webinar

Expert Insights Webinar

This video focuses on how a playbook works in conjunction with maturity assessments. Learn the process the State of Minnesota used to have Executive Branch Agencies self-rank their maturity using the playbook and how those rankings were used to identify gaps and ultimately create maturity roadmaps for improvement planning.  Find ideas for standardizing your organization’s maturity mapping.

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The State of Minnesota launched the Modernization Playbook to address outdated systems and infrastructure.  The Playbook is an end-to-end framework to establish consistency in understanding roles, language, and process activities for the successful transformation of business processes and IT portfolio and application management to support modernization efforts.

This 3-part Series will showcase the Playbook and its purpose, how it was used to rank state agency maturity, and how it is used to chart transformation and focus agencies into the future.

While the state of Minnesota developed the Playbook to address IT modernization projects, the Playbook concept can be applied to a full spectrum of projects and portfolio management*.

*Where you see the words state agency, think Business Unit or Product Line.  Where systems or infrastructure appear, think new products, The Great Resignation, pandemic shifts, or any one of the number of forces that require transformation in your organization.

Here Are the Other Two Webinars In This Special Series.

Session One – The Marvel of the Playbook




Session Three – People and the Playbook


Stacey Walker is the Transformation Program Manager in the State of Minnesota’s Office of Transformation and Strategy Delivery, a newly formed enterprise services department that serves all 22 executive branch state agencies. Stacey has been in her role since April 2021 having transitioned from the healthcare sector where she has worked for 25 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Nursing and a Master of Science degree in Nursing/Healthcare Leadership. In the early 2000’s with the digital transformation to electronic medical records, Stacey moved into a clinical informatics role and progressed from there into project and program leadership where she has gained 12 years of experience.  Stacy earned her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification in 2015 and recently became certified in organizational change management. She is known as a creative leader with high energy and is honored to be able to serve her fellow Minnesotans in her new role helping to modernize Minnesota’s state government.

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Modernization, Maturity, & The Playbook: Part 3 – Managing Transformational Change | Past Expert Insights Webinar

Expert Insights Webinar

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This session will discuss the importance of change management in any transformation. Consider research that supports building change management resources and the importance of communication during transformation.  See an example of how the State of Minnesota’s new Change Agent Network will monitor and manage the complexities that come with implementing the multi-agency transformation generated from the playbook and maturity assessments.  Find ideas for supporting grassroots change in the business units.

The State of Minnesota launched the Modernization Playbook to address outdated systems and infrastructure.  The Playbook is an end-to-end framework to establish consistency in understanding roles, language, and process activities for a successful transformation of business processes and IT portfolio and application management to support modernization efforts.

This 3-part Series will showcase the Playbook and its purpose, how it was used to rank state agency maturity, and how it is used to chart transformation and focus agencies into the future.

While the state of Minnesota developed the Playbook to address IT modernization projects, the Playbook concept can be applied to a full spectrum of projects and portfolio management*.

*Where you see the words state agency, think Business Unit or Product Line.  Where systems or infrastructure appear, think new products, The Great Resignation, pandemic shifts, or any one of the number of forces that require transformation in your organization.

Watch Video Here


Stacey Walker is the Transformation Program Manager in the State of Minnesota’s Office of Transformation and Strategy Delivery, a newly formed enterprise services department that serves all 22 executive branch state agencies. Stacey has been in her role since April 2021 having transitioned from the healthcare sector where she has worked for 25 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Nursing and a Master of Science degree in Nursing/Healthcare Leadership. In the early 2000’s with the digital transformation to electronic medical records, Stacey moved into a clinical informatics role and progressed from there into project and program leadership where she has gained 12 years of experience.  Stacy earned her Project Management Professional (PMP) certification in 2015 and recently became certified in organizational change management. She is known as a creative leader with high-energy and is honored to be able to serve her fellow Minnesotans in her new role helping to modernize Minnesota’s state government

Here Are the Other Two Webinars In This Special Series.

Please Click On Each to Sign Up:

Session One – The Marvel of the Playbook






Session Two – Modernization, Maturity, and the Playbook”


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Moving Beyond On-Boarding by Taking On-the-Job Training to the Next Level | Past Expert Insights Webinar

Expert Insights Webinar

Moving Beyond On-Boarding by Taking On-the-Job Training to the Next Level


Most employers are struggling to find enough people to fill their vacancies.  To stand out as an employer of choice, you may need to get creative with how you help someone start and build a career in your organization. Whether you are the hiring manager or the HR recruiter, this session will provide some thought-provoking approaches to building your employee talent pipeline.


  1. Learn and understand the difference between onboarding, On-the-Job-Training (OJT) and Internships
  2. Discover the 5 Strategic Approaches for a Successful OJT Program
  3. Understand Earn and Learn program options
  4.  Secure useful tools, such as skill pyramids, for employee pipeline programs
  5. Find out how to join labor conversations in Minnesota that are solving worker shortage issues


ABOUT THE PRESENTE: Dan Solomon is the Manager of the Minnesota Dual-Training Pipeline program at Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI).  Before working at DLI, Dan was the field representative and state lead for education and workforce issues for Senator Al Franken. He also worked as a legislative assistant at the Minnesota Senate for six years.  Dan has a Master of Arts in Teaching from Hamline University and a Bachelor’s degree in political science and communication studies from the University of Minnesota.

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The Change Chart | Past Expert Insights Webinar

Expert Insights Webinar The Leadership Toolbox: The Change Chart because change is also a Verb

Click to Watch Here

The Leadership Toolbox Launch will feature The Change Chart, which is often used by our speaker for change management.

Before Covid, change was difficult; during Covid, it was unavoidable; and as we transition “back to normal”, change is overwhelming.

The Change Chart may not be the answer to all of your change issues, but our speaker is hopeful that it can move you from inaction (change is hard) to solution (change is doable).

If you find yourself using the mantra, “People do not like change,” as an explanation for failed change efforts, IPD encourages you to join this webinar and add the Change Chart to your Leadership Toolbox.

Part of: The Leadership Toolbox

Short on theory and long on practical application. One easy tool for leaders to implement and use.



Beth Schaefer

You know Beth Schaefer as the host of the Expert Insights series, but she also manages the staff of the Institute for Professional Development at Metro State as part of the university’s leadership team.  Before her role at Metro State, Beth was the director of an area learning center serving grades 7 – 12. In this role, she led teachers, staff, students, and parents through experiential learning and the changes that occurred during those secondary education years. In her leadership roles, Beth mostly navigates change that is generated by external forces (economy, pandemic, legislation) to meet the needs of customers while lacking the time, money, and resources that would make those changes easier to lead.

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Standing Up a Business Architecture Practice Part 3 – Your Governance / Past Expert Insights Webinar

This is a continuation of Standing Up a Business Architecture Practice:

Part 1: Your Value Proposition can be viewed HERE 

Part 2:  Your Practice Charter can be viewed HERE

This third and final session in Standing Up a Business Architecture Practice poses questions that should be considered when it comes to the governance of an enterprise-level business architecture practice.

Participants will learn about considerations for:

Engagement – How do others access your services?

Deliverables – What products and services are you providing?

Interactions – What are the roles and responsibilities of the people involved?

How do you stand up a business architecture practice within an organization?

This 3-part Expert Insights Webinar Series will provide strategies used by Maureen Mathias to stand up a practice in her organization.


* Please Note 

This Expert Insights focuses on Business Architecture and is intended for an audience with a background or understanding of Business Architecture.

r this webinar, I am agreeing to being added to the IPD monthly e-newsletter list.



Maureen Mathias


Maureen Mathias earned her Master of Arts from Rutgers University, later adding a Certified Business Architect from the Business Architecture Guild and a Business Architecture Certificate from Metro State University in St. Paul Minnesota.

Maureen started a journey in 2008 that led to a career as a business architect. “Through the journey, it seems I have hit every situation you would want to avoid. One thing that stands out, is that a business architecture practice anywhere must fit the culture and the needs of an organization.”

In her business architect role for an insurance company, she has established training for the teams that utilize architecture tools and for those that need to learn what business architecture is and how it relates to their day-to-day responsibilities for several years.

Maureen is excited to share her experience: what works and what does not as well as learn from the experiences of other business architects.


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Are You Fixing or Solving? / Past Expert Insights Webinar

Past Expert Insights Webinar


All organizations have problems— it’s how we handle them that matters!

If it feels like your teams go in circles looking for answers to fix a problem only to have to fix it again the next month or next quarter, this webinar is for you!

Learn the difference between fixing and solving problems so that you can help your teams make real progress towards solutions so that problems are solved the first time.

You’ll leave knowing what it means to truly solve a problem and fixing pitfalls to avoid.




Christine Moore is a Project (PMP®) and Process Expert along with being certified as a professional facilitator by the International Association of Facilitators.  She continues to hone the best way to fix a problem just once.  She will draw on her experiences from working with both the corporate and public sector (without naming names) to teach you what she has learned about solving problems – one time.

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Using Conflict to Build Inclusiveness – Past Expert Insights Webinar


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Does An Ideal Workplace = A Conflict Free Workplace?

The goal is to be both diverse and inclusive, not to just avoid conflict.  During this short webinar, our instructor will get you started on the journey to incorporate conflict in your workplace and how this can lead to better innovation and problem-solving.

This webinar will teach you:

  • The challenges of competing perspectives

  • How to move from “positions” to “interests”


“I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”


Jeanette Grace

  • Title/Position
    Instructor, Metropolitan State University
  • Expert Areas: 
    • Communication
    • Customer Service
    • Employee Engagement
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Teambuilding


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Navigating Change in Changing Times – Past Expert Insights Webinar

Click Here To Watch Video

During this webinar, you will:

  • Take a quick assessment to gain insight into how you navigate change
  • Learn about the “change curve” and how it can help you ride the waves of change


Click Here To Watch Video

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill

If Mr. Churchill is correct; based on the last nine months, we should all be perfect by now!

If that statement does not ring true for you, this free webinar from the Institute for Professional Development will help.

Learn more about change and the effect it has on you, and others.

Begin tapping into the cycles of change and use them to be productive instead of feeling like you are being tossed about at sea.

“I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination

Jeanette Grace

  • Title/Position
    Instructor, Metropolitan State University
  • Expert Areas: 
    • Communication
    • Customer Service
    • Employee Engagement
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Teambuilding


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Using Conflict to Build Inclusiveness – Free Webinar

Register Now For Our Upcoming FREE Expert Insights Webinar

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

12pm Noon-1pm CENTRAL TIME

Using Conflict to Build Inclusiveness

Does An Ideal Workplace = A Conflict Free Workplace?

The goal is to be both diverse and inclusive, not to just avoid conflict.  During this short webinar, our instructor will get you started on the journey to incorporate conflict in your workplace  and how this can can lead to better innovation and problem solving.

This webinar will teach you:

  • The challenges of competing perspectives

  • How to move from “positions” to “interests”

Registration Cut-off: March 22 at 11:59 pm


Why can’t we all just get along?


Jeanette Grace

  • Title/Position
    Instructor, Metropolitan State University
  • Expert Areas: 
    • Communication
    • Customer Service
    • Employee Engagement
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Teambuilding
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Register Now For Our Upcoming FREE Expert Insights Webinar

Title: Beyond Business – Business Architecture for the Social Sector

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Join IPD Instructor Bao Do as he discusses the response of various countries around the world to COVID-19 and how pandemic management capabilities highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each country’s reaction.

  • Use business capability mapping to provide a means of early detection.

  • Consider how the maturity of business capabilities can lead to a more rapid response.


Registration Must Be Completed By June 2, 2020


Bao Do

Expert Areas:

  • Business Architecture
  • Business Analysis
  • Program/Project Management
  • User-Centered Design
  • Coaching/Mentoring/Development

Education/Professional Certificates:

  • Business Architecture Certificate from Metropolitan State University – St. Paul, MN
  • Certificate of Human-Centered Design from LUMA Institute
  • Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from University of Michigan
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