The Change Chart | Past Expert Insights Webinar

Expert Insights Webinar The Leadership Toolbox: The Change Chart because change is also a Verb

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The Leadership Toolbox Launch will feature The Change Chart, which is often used by our speaker for change management.

Before Covid, change was difficult; during Covid, it was unavoidable; and as we transition “back to normal”, change is overwhelming.

The Change Chart may not be the answer to all of your change issues, but our speaker is hopeful that it can move you from inaction (change is hard) to solution (change is doable).

If you find yourself using the mantra, “People do not like change,” as an explanation for failed change efforts, IPD encourages you to join this webinar and add the Change Chart to your Leadership Toolbox.

Part of: The Leadership Toolbox

Short on theory and long on practical application. One easy tool for leaders to implement and use.



Beth Schaefer

You know Beth Schaefer as the host of the Expert Insights series, but she also manages the staff of the Institute for Professional Development at Metro State as part of the university’s leadership team.  Before her role at Metro State, Beth was the director of an area learning center serving grades 7 – 12. In this role, she led teachers, staff, students, and parents through experiential learning and the changes that occurred during those secondary education years. In her leadership roles, Beth mostly navigates change that is generated by external forces (economy, pandemic, legislation) to meet the needs of customers while lacking the time, money, and resources that would make those changes easier to lead.

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Are You Fixing or Solving? / Past Expert Insights Webinar

Past Expert Insights Webinar


All organizations have problems— it’s how we handle them that matters!

If it feels like your teams go in circles looking for answers to fix a problem only to have to fix it again the next month or next quarter, this webinar is for you!

Learn the difference between fixing and solving problems so that you can help your teams make real progress towards solutions so that problems are solved the first time.

You’ll leave knowing what it means to truly solve a problem and fixing pitfalls to avoid.




Christine Moore is a Project (PMP®) and Process Expert along with being certified as a professional facilitator by the International Association of Facilitators.  She continues to hone the best way to fix a problem just once.  She will draw on her experiences from working with both the corporate and public sector (without naming names) to teach you what she has learned about solving problems – one time.

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Using Conflict to Build Inclusiveness – Past Expert Insights Webinar


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Does An Ideal Workplace = A Conflict Free Workplace?

The goal is to be both diverse and inclusive, not to just avoid conflict.  During this short webinar, our instructor will get you started on the journey to incorporate conflict in your workplace and how this can lead to better innovation and problem-solving.

This webinar will teach you:

  • The challenges of competing perspectives

  • How to move from “positions” to “interests”


“I cannot change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”


Jeanette Grace

  • Title/Position
    Instructor, Metropolitan State University
  • Expert Areas: 
    • Communication
    • Customer Service
    • Employee Engagement
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Teambuilding


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