It’s More Than Memorizing a List: Inclusive Language in the Workplace

By: Destyn Land

Part Three of Who’s Sitting at Your Table?

May has always held a special place in my heart, a time when people from all social classes come together in celebration of the many milestones that make this time of the year so magical. It is a month filled with pride as we watch our loved ones graduate, taking their first steps into a brand-new chapter of their lives, while others may see two hearts joining together in a beautiful wedding ceremony. For those of us living in Minnesota, May marks the end of the long and harsh never-ending winter and the beginning of the warm and inviting summer. With anticipation, we look forward to the social events and gatherings that await us, where we will make new connections and strive to navigate this new and exciting space with grace and charm. As we venture into uncharted waters, we will inevitably find ourselves questioning if we’re saying the right or wrong things.

In my last article (which you can access here), I emphasized the importance of expanding our definition of diversity. We must begin to recognize how our social identities intersect with one another and go beyond what is merely visible. By becoming more aware of our own identities and the identities of others, we can equip ourselves to live more equitably and inclusively. One of the most effective ways we can promote DEI at work and in our everyday lives is by recognizing the power of language and adopting inclusive language. Often, the assumption is that inclusive language is just about memorizing lists of words and phrases that we should no longer use, but while these lists are useful starting points, true inclusivity begins by examining the intentions of our hearts.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is all about love. A genuine love for people should drive our desire to live in a world where everyone, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, socio-economic status, religion, ability, or body type, is well-represented in every industry. Love should drive our desire to want to work in a place where all employees receive equitable pay, discrimination is nonexistent, and where everyone can be their authentic selves without fear of judgment. The true measure of our commitment to DEI lies in our hearts’ intention. We must ask ourselves why we care about DEI—is it merely a matter of being compliance-ready or is it about co-creating a world where everyone can thrive?

The language and modes of communication adopted in our workplaces could have the power to determine who will succeed and who will not. Inclusive language, therefore, is essential.


Here are three ways to improve the use of inclusive language in the workplace.


  1. Avoid Using Acronyms
    1. Acronyms can be a significant challenge for new employees at a new workplace, as they need time to become familiar with the nuances of a new environment. Although acronyms tend to be common within tight-knit groups, it’s important to remember that not everyone will retain or understand the meaning of a given abbreviation. Although avoiding acronyms may seem like a minor suggestion, common usage of abbreviations can quickly create a sense of ‘in-group’ and ‘out-group’ dynamics, making new employees feel excluded from early on.


  1. Develop an Inclusive Language Policy
    1. Inclusive language is not just about eliminating acronyms – it involves deeper reflection on the language that may have roots in oppression and exclusionary histories (racism, anti-Blackness, homophobia, etc.). A true commitment to inclusion requires a shift in organizational culture to respect, empathy, and growth. Establishing an inclusive language policy enables organizations to align their values and mission with accountability, demonstrating to employees that they are committed to creating an equitable workplace. Those of us with marginalized identities have often witnessed organizations making empty promises – the mission statement sounds great, yet the actual practices fall short. In next month’s article, we will dive deeper into how policy can be a powerful tool for achieving a work culture that authentically reflects the organization’s values.


  1. Model the Way
    1. Whether we hold a position of leadership or not, others often pay close attention to our actions and words in the workplace. It is our individual responsibility to use language that does not discriminate against any group and to actively address and speak out against discriminatory language when we encounter it. Although Minnesota may be known for an aversion to confrontation, this should not stop us from taking a stand against exclusionary language. We can approach individuals who use non-inclusive language in a respectful one-on-one conversation to better understand their perspective and educate them on why their language was inappropriate and should be avoided in the future.


It is important to understand that no one is capable of always choosing the right words 100% of the time. Language is constantly evolving, and as we learn new information and gain new perspectives, we should reconsider our word choices. When we make mistakes (and we all will), it is crucial to remember that our intentions do not negate the impact of our words. Even if we did not mean to offend someone, that doesn’t take away the hurt or harm that our words have caused. In these situations, it is important to apologize, take responsibility for our actions, and educate ourselves to prevent future occurrences. Do not make the mistake of trying to defend yourself or convince others that you did not do something wrong. Instead, focus on recognizing and owning your mistake, learning from it, and working to avoid similar incidents in the future.


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It’s Beyond What You Can See. Part 2 of Who’s Sitting at Your Table?

In last month’s article (read it here), I provided an illustration about a dinner party hosted by a person that did not consider who their party guests were, and what they may need to fully enjoy the evening. Some of the guests were gluten free, vegan, or needed halal options, yet there were no alternatives to the menu. It didn’t just stop there — the chairs did not fit all body types, the building was not accessible, some guests were using non-inclusive language, and overall, the party wasn’t the best experience for certain groups of people. If we were to take a close look at this party, we would see that the party was only a great experience for the people that had the most similar experiences and identities as the host. When we’re planning, designing or building something, it’s easy to assume that if something is good for ourselves, then it’s good for everyone.

If we’re not careful we can create a workplace culture that only gives space for people who are the most like us to thrive.

One way that we can combat creating this kind of work culture is by Broadening the Definition of Diversity.

Diversity is the fact that we are all different and bring different things to the table. It is the acknowledgement that our workplace is full of people from different racial backgrounds, ethnic groups, religions, genders, interests, and much more.  Expanding our understanding of diversity means looking at people more holistically and looking beyond the pieces of someone that (we believe) is visible. Our identity is not just our race, and age but it is also:

  • Ethnicity
  • Socio-Economic Status
  • Gender
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Religious or Spiritual Affiliation
  • Language
  • Body Type
  • Education

And so much more! All these identities influence the way that we move through the world, and the privileges that we may have been given or denied. You may be asking yourself the question, “What do these identities have to do with the workplace?” Just about everything.

To ignore or dismiss any piece of a person’s identity is to ignore and dismiss them.

Currently around the world, millions of Muslim people are fasting from food and water from dusk to dawn for Ramadan. As you may imagine, fasting impacts everyone very differently, and while some people may feel more energized overall during Ramadan, some may feel their energy or mood shift while their body is adjusting to fasting. As a colleague or supervisor, the best thing you can do is to educate yourself, be aware, and be ready to make adjustments (if they’re needed). In many cultures, and in many workplaces, a lot of our community building and connection time revolves around food. Whether it’s a team lunch, company potluck, or after work happy hour, we have seen the evidence of how food brings people together. During the month of Ramadan instead of hosting a team lunch or potluck, consider having an optional team community building time outside of the lunch hour so that people fasting can participate without continuously being asked, “Why aren’t you eating?” You could even take it a step further and host Iftar (the main meal during fasting at sundown) for your team. Learning about identities that are different from our own equips us to better understand, serve, and support our colleagues and team.

We must keep in mind that people are not a museum, meaning, we don’t want diversity just because it ‘looks good.’ We need diversity to challenge our ideas, to help us think bigger and more creatively. We need it to make the world and workforce better. However, diversity should always move us to act. Because we have different experiences and different needs, we must do things differently. A good first step is to ask yourself which one of your identities (you can look at the list above) do you think about the most, and which one do you think about the least? Often the social identity that we think of the least is the one that we tend to not consider as much when talking about diversity; therefore, it’s likely an identity that we need to push ourselves to learn more about.

Some of our identities come with unearned privilege, or the denial of privilege.

Here’s an example:

I have been a part of the Christian faith for most of my life, and that comes with a lot of privilege in America. Here’s a few of them:

  • I have rarely had to take off work to observe any of my religious holidays or celebrations (Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, etc.).
    • In addition to this, I am not pressured to celebrate holidays from another faith.
  • I can usually assume that most people are familiar with the core tenants of my religion.
  • I often see people of my religion, or my religion positively referenced in many forms of media.
  • I can practice my religion without being questioned or mocked.
  • My religion is taught or offered as a course by most colleges and universities.

The privileges that I’ve mentioned here are not one’s that people who practice Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, or Shamanism can say that they receive. Because of the domination of Christianity, we assume that religion is a weekend, or Sunday morning practice, when for many people (even within the Christian faith), religion is a daily way of experiencing and looking at the world.  Because religion is a part of someone that isn’t always visible to others, we make the mistake of not considering it when building our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion expectations, policies, and procedures.

As we continue to ask the question ‘Who’s Sitting at Your table?’ We must remember that we all are continuously rotating between teaching and learning positions in life. When we have identities that are of the dominant or majority culture, as we broaden our definition of diversity, we must find ourselves spending more time as the learner, and not the teacher. When we see diversity from a more expansive lens, we will take the path of becoming more equitable and inclusive in the workplace and beyond.

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Who’s Sitting at Your Table?

By: Destyn Land, M.Ed.


Imagine that you were personally invited to a dinner party hosted by one of your favorite celebrities (for me this would be the late Chadwick Boseman).

Upon your arrival, you realize the table you were assigned to sit at has seats that you do not fit in comfortably. Because you’re so excited to be in the same room as (fill in the blank) celebrity, you try your best to make it comfortable and not make too big of a deal out of it. As the night continues you realize that the food that is served is not in alignment with your dietary needs, and there are no other options. You also notice that the people at your table don’t tend to listen when you speak, and say things that offend you, but say, “It’s just a joke” when you try to interject. I imagine that regardless of how excited you may have been to see the celebrity you chose, your night wouldn’t have been the greatest, and you would probably not come back for another party.

This dinner party is what our workplace is like when we only think about “diversity.”

Diversity is all about getting different people into the door, while equity and inclusion make sure that the people we’ve invited are given what they need to thrive and have a great experience. Before we ask the question, “What can we do to recruit more diverse candidates?” we must ask, “What are we currently doing to retain our Black, Indigenous, and staff members of color?”

If we want people to feel a sense of belonging in the workplace, we must understand the role and importance of diversity but also prioritize creating equitable and inclusive environments that support diverse populations. Over the next three months, I’ll be discussing three different ways you can begin building or growing your equity and inclusion initiatives:

  1. Broaden the Definition of Diversity
  2. Utilize Inclusive Language
  3. Look for Gaps in Policy and Practice

Every table that we sit at is full of people with varied experiences, and histories (even when the people at our table share similar identities). While we need to be aware of who’s sitting at our table, we also must be aware of who’s not there, and what voices are not being heard.

Whether you are just starting your DEI journey, or have been riding the road for some time, remember that each of these concepts (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), work together to create workplaces where everyone can feel supported, safe, and empowered to be their most authentic self.


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Diversify to Recruit and Retain

By Beth Schaefer

Recruitment and Retention remain top concerns for HR departments and hiring supervisors.

If you have not thought about the role of diversity in these 2 challenges, now is the time.

Diversity Defined

Research, polls, and surveys tell us that the younger generations are seeking multicultural diverse workplaces.  Before discounting that environment (or rolling your eyes), take a look at what actually defines that type of organization because I think you will find that is the type of organization all of us want to work for.

Some of the characteristics and attributes of diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace environments include:


  1. Respecting Individuals – People want to be appreciated for their unique contributions to the organization. Respect builds trust, and trust builds engagement with the work.


  1. Communicating Honestly – People want their organizational leaders to “walk the talk.”  They want the policies that the company says they have to be adhered to by everyone in the organization.  If they say they have an inclusive culture in their value statement, they want to see inclusive actions in their hiring practices or promotion opportunities.


  1. Valuing Innovation – Characteristics of innovative organizations include learning about customer needs by including all ages, genders, and races when problem-solving.  The organization makes a commitment to inclusion.


  1. Practicing Culture Add – Culture fit can imply that only people who already “fit the mold” are hired. Whereas Culture Add encourages the addition of different perspectives and sees that as a value.


  1. Creating a Sense of Belonging – When people feel they are valued for their unique skills, talents, backgrounds and perspectives, and can see how those attributes contribute to the organization’s goals, they feel that they belong in that organization.


  1. Evaluating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Challenges. Recognize areas that need improvement and taking steps to address those gaps.   About 80% of companies “go through the motions” of DEI, but do not hold themselves accountable (Society of Human Recourse Management).  See Items 1 and 2.

When I look at that list of 6 attributes, I think those embody that type of organization that could recruit me and retain me as an engaged talented worker.

Cultivating Culture

Of course, getting your entire organization aligned to doing the values it states, may be out of your sphere of influence; however, there are some things that you can do locally to retain the young people you hire.   This website contains many past articles on getting your workforce engaged – which leads to retention.  I encourage you to visit or revisit those and consider the suggested actions steps.  However, for people like me who are X Generation or Boomers, you may need to rethink and move beyond the way you have always done things.  The list below states some changes (for people my age – paradigm shifts are what we use to call these) you may need to make.

  1. Do not expect people to find their own way. Be intentional about supporting their career and development.   On my first day of teaching, I was assigned a teaching mentor; he was paid for exactly one day to mentor me.  Fortunately for me, he thought that was bunk.  While they paid him for a day, he mentored me the entire time I was in that teaching role – 4 years.  Here I am still in education 33 years later.  The current statistic for teaching tenure is that 44% of teachers leave the profession within 5 years.  I am sure that other occupations have similar drop out rates.  Provide a career pathway and help your employees achieve their goals. People will stay and work for your organization if your organization shows it cares about them.
  2. Provide Input Opportunities. I grew up in an era where young people were to listen and learn from those older and wiser. While young people can learn from the older generations, the older generations need to recognize that they can also learn from the younger generations.  Respect the skills and knowledge of everyone on your team.  Do not expect the younger generation to sit on the sidelines observing; provide the “Why” and let them join the game.
  3. Reward Quality Work. There might still be some “pay your dues” believers left in the workplace.   This phrase means that regardless of your skills and talents, you need to just wait patiently for your time to come; for a space to open up; for you to become more seasoned and experienced. My dad coached me on how to pay my dues and how to temper my enthusiasm for wanting to move forward.  Most young people do not see time as a qualification for work.  If they can do the work, they want the chance, they want the recognition and they want the reward in the moment – regardless of their age.
  4. Offer Made-to-Order Opportunities. The younger generations have grown up in a world that asks for and honors their preferences.   I ordered a new Discover card last week, and not only could I pick from hundreds of designs, I could create my own personal image – all at no extra charge.  From creating a video game character, to selecting a wait list of show to watch, to choosing ring tones to recognize their contacts, the younger generations have grown up in a tech world that allows them to make all kinds of choices. When I was young, Burger King let you “have it your way” by removing lettuce off your burger.  Now Subway and Chipotle personalize your order by having you build your sandwich, wrap, bowl exactly the way you like.  Figure out how to be flexible and offer personalized workplace options whenever you can.

While I am not a young worker anymore, I look at the list of 4 things and think, Would I like to work for someone who does these 4 things?   Of course, I would!

In my research, I came across all the usual statistics that support these ideas from a financial outlook.  Of course, it saves money to have engaged employees rather than a revolving door.  Rather than reciting those numbers again, I am going to say one of the best reasons to rethink the old ways, is because the new way is actually more fun.


Read more from the sources used for this article:

Gen Z in the Workplace: What Employers Need to Know – Architectural Digest website
What Do Newer Generations of Employees Want and Can Your Business Adjust? – Forbes website
Four Things Gen Z and Millennials Expect From Their Workplace – Gallup website
Emphasizing DE&I in Employee Retention – Strategic Finance website
5 Extraordinary Benefits of Age Diversity in the Workplace – Vervoe website
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Happy Holidays?

By Beth Schaefer

IPD Director

Last week I attended an annual holiday party with friends that I have been attending for 30-some years.  Fun!  It was a potluck, and I made a pretty ordinary salad – for about $35 dollars in grocery supplies – not fun.   While many of us look forward to the holiday season, it does come with extra everything – including stress.

Even though most of this stress is from our home environments, it can creep into the workplace.

As we move into the last 4 weeks of the calendar year, be aware that the stress of holiday preparations and celebrations may affect your staff and coworkers in different ways.

Based on my own experience and some light internet research, here are some top holiday stressors:

  1. Time Management – more parties and potlucks, more shopping, more pageants and festivals, more cooking, more decorating, and more wrapping – all this can lead to more decisions being made with less sleep and changes to routines. Stress.
  2. Family Conversations – so many divisive topics and so much time together – in addition, some family members may no longer be part of the family (death or divorce) and some may be failing cognitively or physically and seeing these changes first hand can be jarring. Stress.
  3. Money – while your own cash reserves may be spinning downward, many do not even have cash reserves making economic disparities more visible, frustrating, and discouraging during the holidays. Stress.
  4. High Expectations – Besides trying to plan the perfect holiday gathering, finding the perfect gift within your budget, or trying to provide idyllic memories for your children, you may also be scrambling to wrap up the goals you had for 2022. Stress.
  5. Illness –More gatherings also mean more opportunities to spread illness. While this is a relatively new item on the list, it carries quite a bit of stress. The pandemic has made us more aware of doing our part for not spreading any germs, but having to choose to stay away from a special gathering because you might have something that you do not want to spread is a tough decision to make – and can also be a no-win situation.  Some will be pleased with your consideration, and some will be miffed that they missed seeing the grand kids or that you could not bring your famous dessert.


All this busyness and stress can lead to less exercise and more eating and more stress –  which may mean weight gain and decreased immunity, or the stress can even lead to physical illness, such as upset stomach, headache, sleeplessness, or even sore muscles.

You can take some actions to manage this year-end stress.

Managing Holiday Stress at Work

As a supervisor:

  • Encourage team members to handle extra holiday chores during lunch times so that workers are present and focused at their tasks.
  • Workplaces can have extra visitors or visiting or parties taking place this time a year; provide some additional quiet spaces for those who need them to concentrate and stay focused to complete work.
  • Remind staff that some people, such as the finance department closing out year-end, are extra-busy during this time and to be patient when interacting with them.
  • Encourage employees to stay home when sick so that you do not spread illness across the department or to each other’s families
  • Help team members prioritize work– especially with theirs and others’ holiday and vacation time.

As a coworker:

  • Plan ahead so that the work you need others to do can get completed amongst the extra time off and holidays.
  • Check in with co-workers if you note the stress. Remind them of any Employee Assistance programs they could use or just listen.
  • Be mindful of those who may be alone during the holidays or are experiencing the first holiday without a loved one. Offer comfort if your co-working relationship allows, “I know that this is the first New Year’s Eve without your husband, that must be difficult.”
  • Partner with a coworker and take walks during your breaks.
  • For those who have taken the IPD communication course, remember to flex! Assess the communication style of the person you need to receive your message and then flex your communication style to accommodate them – and remember – we all communicate differently when under stress.

Manage your Personal Holiday Stress

The tried and true include:

  • Eat smart whenever when you are not at gatherings.
  • Skip tasks (do not send out cards) or cut corners (do a cookie swap rather than baking them all yourself).
  • Set a budget for gift-giving and stick to it.

Some more strategic and thoughtful approaches to holiday stress include:

  1. Generate a master schedule of events, prioritize them, and remove the bottom 10 or 15 % of the list. Fewer events and less hustle and bustle will allow you to be present and focused at the ones you attend.  Choose quality over quantity.  Think about planning gatherings with those you missed in December a few months into the new year instead.


  1. Trigger your feel-good endorphins by spending time or money on others. Consider visiting a relative or friend who cannot get out to the big gatherings due to limited mobility issues.  Save money on presents for friends and family and donate it to a homeless shelter or a woman’s crisis center. Pack some food for those who are in need. Use technology to reach out to friends and family who may be long distance and not able to travel back to see their loved ones.


  1. Avoid these questions at family gatherings:
    • When do you plan on starting a family?
    • Why aren’t you engaged yet?
    • Remember when (fill in any embarrassing moment or past argument)?
    • Have you gained weight? Gotten more gray?  Lost weight?
    • Don’t you need a job that pays more money?
    • What do you mean you are not working; what do you do all day?


  1. Mark some days as “off limits.” Mark them off at somewhat equal intervals. Do not schedule anything on those days or nights and use them to get caught up, or just take time to relax, or just hang out on the couch to watch a favorite holiday film or binge-watch a favorite show.


  1. Prepare yourself for difficult social situations (family or otherwise) with these tips:
    • Anticipate awkward questions you might be asked and have a light-hearted vague answer at the ready.
    • Try to position yourself so that you can walk away from conversations you do not want to be a part of.
    • Prepare a list of questions to change topics if a conversation gets heated:
      • I am wondering where to travel this year. Where have people been?
      • I am looking for a good BBQ Shrimp (cake, salad, chili) recipe. Anyone have one or know where I could look?
      • ____ and _____, I am not sure if I know how you met. Can you share that story with us?
      • I want to binge watch some shows this winter, what do you recommend?
      • I need to pick the next book for book club. Any ideas?
    • Prepare a list of questions that people (generally) enjoy answering:
      • What are you looking forward to in 2023?
      • How is your (garden, hobby, cooking class, sport, DIY project) going?
      • How was your trip to ____ last summer; do you have any pics on your phone?
      • How old are your grandkids (kids, nieces, nephews, dog, rabbit) now?  Any pics on your phone?  What are they up to these days?
      • And follow most answers up with, “Tell me more.”
  1. Choose. For those of you who have taken the IPD course on handling conflict, remember there are five choices for how to handle conflict with others.  While you learned these strategies in a workplace context, they work for other environments as well.  Review your 5 strategies for handling conflict and make a choice rather than defaulting to whatever the situation brings.

With those 6 strategies, go forth and have a happy and stress-free holiday season!

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Six Things You Can Skip to Improve Employee Engagement

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Beth Schaefer | IPD Director

Have you noted the uptick in employee engagement information since we started this series of articles?  Chicken or Egg?

Is everyone suddenly more interested in Employee Engagement – or – because we now have Employee Engagement on our radar, we notice it more?

Case in point: This article appeared in the Huffington Post, You Could Be ‘Quiet Quitting’ Your Job And Not Even Know It.

I heard this article being discussed on the radio and sought it out because when I was at a BBQ for the National Night Out, several of my neighbors and I were discussing a group of workers we were calling the slowly retiring.

I, of course, immediately connected ‘Quiet Quitters’ and ‘The Slowly Retiring’ to Employee Engagement.

My previous article in this series gave 6 actions that immediate supervisors could take to immediately increase employee engagement since they are the ones who have the most influence on engagement.

This article will discuss the 6 myths your organization should avoid if it wants to help those immediate supervisors maintain engaged employees.

Myth 1: Supervisors are too busy for training

Many supervisors are promoted for their technical skills and knowledge.   They are experts in the work, not necessarily, experts in researched proven aspects of leadership.  Research says that 70% of employee engagement is in the hands of the immediate supervisor, but only 26% of leaders say that employee engagement is part of their job that requires daily attention.

My note: Do the math: quite a gap between 70% and 26%.  If your organization believes that not taking time to train supervisors is doing them a favor, you should rethink.  Yes, they are busy – very busy, but if you structure your training so that it:

  • targets their needs
  • helps them solve issues they find challenging
  • provides time to interact and get to know each other
  • allows them to have some fun,

then, they will appreciate the new skills and knowledge.  They may gripe on the way into training, but they should be re-energized on the way out.

Myth 2: We all need to agree on the perfect definition and measurement of Employee Engagement before we begin

The ultimate measurement of employee engagement is to simply see if your employee retention rate improves.

My notes: Just start.  Share the 6 quick start tips with your supervisors.

With that said, having some training where you help your supervisors with engagement best practices and define what might be “in scope” or what might be “out of scope” on engagement tactics could be a helpful discussion for supervisors.   Help supervisors determine what is feasible, viable, and desirable for employee recognition. The intersection of those three is the sweet spot for engagement.

Myth 3: Engagement surveys are the first step for improving employee engagement

Actually, most engagement survey results have only a small impact improving employee engagement.

My notes: Move forward without the survey.  A common misstep of many organizations is to spend a bunch of time, money, and resources on an engagement survey and results sharing, but then run out of steam (or time, money, and resources) to form and implement an action plan that addresses engagement.  Suddenly, it is time for the next survey without any meaningful interventions having taken place since the last one was issued.  Interventions change survey results, not survey-taking.

Myth 4: Employee Engagement is fueled by high level inspirational speeches from CEO’s

Speeches do not do any harm, but no need to wait for a formal launch with the CEO.

My notes: Skip the speech.  Spend the time equipping supervisors and let them start.   Even if the CEO does not even believe in employee engagement, a supervisor can still implement the 6 quick start tips and have a positive effect on their staff and their engagement.

Myth 5: Internal branding and messaging will increase employee engagement

Research says that employees will stay and be engaged if they enjoy the people they work with.  They need coworker friends to connect them to the company culture.

My notes: Put your energy into creating spaces that allow for interaction and fun.  Do not think that the employee newsletter (while informative) will generate excitement needed for long-term employee retention.

Myth 6: Employees’ affection can be bought

If we have enough gifts and material incentives for achieving targets, employees will work hard to accumulate those things.

My notes: Focus on creating a career pathway.  While most employees would not turn away gifts and perks, these alone will not hold them to a position where they see no opportunity for growth and/or do not enjoy working with their team.  I know what you want to tell me: some employee do not want to move on.  That is OK.  The conversation will still acknowledge their talents and contributions to the organization. Still a win.

What Can the Organization Do?

If HR is not excited about leaving employee engagement to immediate supervisors, one action item they can do to help (besides training and equipping immediate supervisors) is to ensure that supervisors write individual employee performance goals that connect to the organization’s performance goals.  That way, if most individual employees are meeting their performance goals and the organization is under-performing, leaders will at least know that it is not an employee performance or employee engagement issue.   No survey needed.

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The Beatles & Your New Year’s Resolution

Are you in need of a New Year’s Resolution, or a Performance Goal?

If you are as old (mature) as I am, you will remember the craze around a little book by Robert Fulghum entitled All I Really Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten.


Now, we have the 2021 version of that book: The Beatles: Get Back documentary. The documentary itself does not call out or highlight lessons, but you can find tons of social media lists that discuss how this documentary is a playbook for production and creativity.

Turns out, the The Beatles not only Get Back; but they also got your back, too.

Here is a Baker’s dozen on lessons for productivity/creativity/problem solving that you can use for self-reflection.

Take a look at the list, pick one lesson you can improve on, and make it your 2022 Resolution!

1.Wait To Speak.

When brainstorming, one person speaks at a time; listening is more important than speaking.


2. Be Silly.

If you do not speak up with an idea because you are scared of looking stupid or silly, your best ideas will never get put into action.


3. Be Silly (Yes, Again).

Have fun with the people you are collaborating with.  Humor only helps productivity – moments of levity can spark creativity.


4. Always Say, “Yes.”     Or, Maybe “Yes, And…”

Do not dismiss the ideas of others – especially, if you do not have an alternative idea to suggest.  “That is a good idea, and we could also…”


5. Let It  Be  Go 

If you keep bringing up an idea that no one else can embrace, let it go and move onto the next idea. (See me demonstrating silliness here with my word play on a Beatles song?).

6. Do not seek perfection.

Rather than revising and revising and revising until you have the perfect product, just get something going.  Build the skateboard, then the bike, then the motorcycle, and then the car.


7. Embrace accidents

(Like Covid?) and build on the directions they take you.


8. Eat and drink.

The science is right.  If you do not take time to stay hydrated and fuel your body, your problem solving will suffer.


9. Give credit.

If someone else has the winning idea, give that person their kudos for it.


10. Switch gears.

If something is not coming together, move onto another idea or project and circle back with fresh eyes and thoughts.


11. Try it out.

Even if something does not seem quite right, try it for awhile to confirm it’s not right, or to see how you can improve it.


12. Respect others.

Even if someone in the group is less experienced or seldom speaks up, their perspective is valuable (or even more valuable) for its lens and freshness.

While these lists are over the internet, here are a few sites I referenced:
Nick Jakusz from 95.8 The River, The Morning Crew at 98.7 KLUV, and Brittany Wi at The Huffington Post
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Five Criteria For High-Quality Diversity Training

The workplace is full of buzzwords … Some that you may know and love (?) are: pivot, synergy, transparency, bandwith

Most started out positive, but have devolved into a joke because they are more talk than walk (another overused workplace buzzphrase).

This year, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” have also become words the workplace uses more and more. The difference; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) are not just buzzwords.

These values deserve and need to be a focus in our workplace goals and strategies and are far too important to just end up a part of the buzzword pile.

Instead of just talking, taking action to make real change should be part of the strategy going forward and training for your workplace is often a good first step.

Please be aware that the popularity of DE&I has made many trainers become sudden experts; all eager to sell your organization on their training.  When I searched Google 1,370,000,000 results came up under “Diversity Training.”   With so much to choose from, how do you sift through all of these training options and find one that will actually be affordable and make a difference?

To save you time, I researched what makes a good DE&I trainer and combined the information I found into five key criteria.

Training and trainers should…

  1. Focus on changing behavior, not just increasing awareness.
  2. Directly teach actions of inclusion. Do not assume that people know how to intuitively be inclusive even when they want to be.
  3. Encourage leaders to also attend training that is focused on improving their own DEI-related skills.
  4. Offer organizations assistance in setting DE&I strategy and training goals that are actionable and in the forefront of the organization’s goals and work.
  5. Have individuals set a measurable diversity goal to work on outside of the training session. The goal should be just outside their comfort zone with support that encourages, not shames mistakes.

Please keep in mind that even if diversity training for your organization seems impossible right now, you can use the criteria as an inspirational list while you start putting resources towards meaningful intentional workplace changes.







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Why It Makes Dollars and Sense to Improve Workplace Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Things You Can Do Now To Improve Your Organization’s Mental Health – Even While Working From Home

In the past, I would have dismissed this topic as something that is so distant to me, I would not even need to glance in its direction.

I would much rather focus on other topics that can claim May as their month:

American Cheese – and not just the slices in cellophane wrappers, but the artisan chesses.  The American Cheese Society encourages you to visit a local cheese producer.

Asparagus- hard to grow, but easy to cook.

Barbecue – obviously, go out to eat

Bikes – featuring National Bike to School Day on May 5th

Even, Correct Your Posture Month sounds more appealing than a discussion about mental health, and oh, so easy, to celebrate.  This website says to stand up from your desk every 30 minutes.


Mental Health – no so fun and not so easy to focus on.

While, in theory I know the stigma attached to mental health and seeking help needs to be removed; when it comes to myself it is easy to think, “I am just fine – thank you very much.”

In actuality, being just fine would put me in the minority. 

Forbes reported that 75% of U.S. Workers have struggled at work this past year due to anxiety caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and other recent current events.

While many companies are mentioning their support systems more frequently to help their employees with mental health – like the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that Metro State employees can tap into, I feel it quite unlikely that I would make that call because I feel “stressed.”  Perhaps, you are like me.  Even though you are struggling with stress, you are not ready to make an official call for help.

So, what can you and I do to contribute to positive mental health of our workplace – especially when working from home?

#1. Take Care of Me

Yes, you first.  

You cannot help others if you are unhealthy.

  1. Keep a regular schedule each day that includes specific times to:
    1. Stop and start work
    2. Connect with family and friends, and
    3. Provide self -care (time to eat, exercise, and sleep).
  2. Use relaxation techniques, such as the 5-4-3-2-1 Coping Technique
  3. Distract and redirect energy into activities that bring joy – for me – gardening
  4. Schedule time away from screens and get fresh air
  5. Set up an ergonomically correct work station


#2. Take Care of Your Coworkers

Now that you cannot gather around the water cooler each day, this is even more important.

  1. Show empathy when others share their anxiety
  2. Schedule time to routinely check in with coworkers to ward off isolation
  3. Encourage them to use the EAP if you hear something troubling
  4. Encourage them to be assertive, yet courteous, and say “no” to work or deadlines that go beyond understood boundaries
  5. Encourage them to do the five items above in “Taking Care of Me”


#3. Take Care of Your Staff

Leaders have extra responsibility in maintaining a health workplace culture.

  1. Make sure your staff is aware of EAP resources
  2. Routinely schedule 1:1 time with team members:
    1. Provide space for them to “not be OK”
    2. Help them feel connected to the vision and mission of the organization
    3. Clarify their role and responsibilities
  3. Encourage staff to set and keep regular work hours. Make sure they know that working from home does not equate to being available 24/7
  4. As guidelines change, create coworking spaces where your team can meet in person now and then
  5. If the position allows, provide flexibility for staff to control their own schedules


If your organization needs some nudging to help you create a healthy work- from-home structure, remind them that

healthy people are more productive:  they…

  • Call in sick less
  • Reduce the organization’s turnover rate
  • Have more brain capacity available to be problem-solvers
  • Reduce healthcare costs

One final note, *I am not a mental health professional.*

This blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment or therapy.

Now, quit reading this screen and go for a walk.


5-4-3-2-1 Coping Technique for Anxiety from Behavioral Health Partners Blog from the University of Rochester Medical Center
Coping with Stress on Healthline
How to Keep Your Mental Health in Check When You Work From Home from We Work Remotely
How Working from Home is Impacting our Mental Health by Bethany Garner from Business Because
The Impact of Mental Health on Employees’ Productivity by Dennis Relojo-Howell on Psychreg
Mental Health and Remote Work: Survey Reveals 80% Would Quit their Jobs for This by Chris Westfall on Forbes
What Employers Need to Know About Mental Health in the Workplace published on McLean: Harvard Medical School Affiliate
Working Remotely During Covid-19  Center for Workplace Mental Health sponsored by the American Psychiatric Association Foundation
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