Look Beyond For Joy | A Workplace Blog
Look Beyond For Joy
By: Beth Schaefer Director, Institute for Professional Development
Normally, this is the time of year that I write about the “New Year, New You” and how training classes at IPD can help with that.
However, 2020 was not a year of normal, and the first few weeks of 2021 have not started as normal either (I hope).
While training brings joy to me – it is my passion and how I like to help others – taking a training course will most likely not fulfill your need for joy. What does joy even mean in these extraordinary times?
The most common definition of joy has not changed; Joy is a sense of well-being connected to living our convictions.
In contrast, the common definition of happiness is; the result of an event or circumstance.
While these times do not afford as many occasions for happiness, they do offer opportunities for joy; for what better time than now to reaffirm, recommit, and live your beliefs?
To help, here are some action steps I learned while studying the practice of joy. I hope they will help you better live out your convictions during these turbulent times.
Express gratitude each day.
What is something you can be thankful for today?
Connect with others.
Who in your life needs you to reach out to them with a word or note of encouragement?
Look for a silver lining. Adversity brings opportunity.
What opportunity do you have now due to the current circumstances? What action can you take to bring that opportunity to fruition?
I wish you peace and joy in 2021.
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