What’s Love Got to Do with It?

When we think about our work lives, and the way that we engage with our colleagues, I imagine most of us (including me) would ask, “What’s love got to do with it?”

You’ve Got Leverage

While a record number of people are leaving their jobs (see the series introductory article: Is The Great Resignation Time for Your Career Transformation?), you may not have to leave to get a better deal. Because so many people are leaving, this may be a good time to negotiate a

Return-to-Work Phobia

What can leaders can do to ease the fear of returning to work after Covid? Many people are dreading the return to work: the commute, unnecessary in-person meetings, sitting a cubicle, eating lunch at their desk…   For over a year, public health messaging has been that the safest place

Communicating for Results

1 full day (or two ½ day sessions) Up to 24 people Minneapolis, St. Paul, & Surrounding Communities   This course starts with an assessment for team members to identify their own preferred communication style.  It teaches team members what those different communication styles are and how they should use

Twin Cities Project Management Workplace Training

Request More Information Here Project Management Series Options Project Management requires a variety of skill sets – from the basics of understanding the concepts to the nuances of managing the people to the savviness needed to understand project purpose as it relates the business. This page contains suggested series groupings


Improving Team Communication and Collaboration Use these courses to, not only improve interpersonal communication on your team, but to help your team get to know each other better. Learn how to understand and respect each other so that miscommunications and assumptions are avoided before they start.  Eliminating miscommunications will help


Supervisor Start-Up Kit 3 days (or six ½ day sessions) Up to 24 people Provide support and increase success for your new supervisors through the Supervisor Start-Up Kit.  While it is essential for new supervisors to understand operations and the organization’s policies, equally important is the transition from doing work


Influence and Input 5.5 Days ( or Eleven ½ half day sessions) Up to 24 participants At first glance, the ability to influence and the ability to gather input may be on odd combination to pair in a leadership development training – almost opposites.  However, having the ability to determine who your


Engaging and Developing Others 4.5 days (or ten ½ day sessions) Up to 24 people Leaders are responsible for not only building and maintaining employee engagement, but for also developing those who work on their teams.  They need to encourage those with potential and address the difficult people that create a

Value the Voice of Customer

By: Beth Schaefer    Director, Institute for Professional Development It happened again last week.  I was at a meeting where a policy revision was announced.  As the policy changes were being laid out, several people in the room had questions that did not have answers.  It became clear to me