This time-intensive and resource-invested approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion focuses on transforming and growing cultural competence of the individuals working in your organization – which in turn – will transform your organization.


These courses are built on the Intercultural Diversity Index® or IDI® theory and inventory.


IDI® Inventory and Theory in a Nutshell

People are at different points on the intercultural continuum based on their life experiences.   People cannot be experts in adapting to intercultural situations if they have only been in monocultural environments.  The first step in moving towards an intercultural mindset is awareness of the continuum and the types of activities to embrace to move forward.


All course experiences start with individuals completing the IDI® inventory to benchmark your organization or individuals on the Intercultural Mindset Continuum.




Course Options Include:

IDI® Inventory and Theory for Groups

IDI® Theory and Coaching for Individuals

Conflict Resolutions for Teams

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