Invest In Your Organization and Its People.

A DEI training program can be more than just ticking a required training box approach. The courses that are part of our Intercultural Insights program, not only build diversity awareness and intercultural competency for individuals, they also provide the confidence for people to set and achieve diversity goals outside the training classroom.

The Minneapolis/St. Paul and the surrounding Twin Cities area is rich in its diversity of ethnic groups, religions, sexual identities, and age/experience. Blending all these facets together should create an exciting dynamic workplace with respectful approaches to conflict resolution, and our courses can help your organization tap into that potential. A core value of our training is that all workplaces benefit from taking time to understand others.

Having cultural awareness and supporting workplace DEI by creating an inclusive working environment can lead to:

A decrease of:
• Combative behavior rooted in disrespect
• Being unwilling or unable to accept change
• Closed-mindedness on new ideas or view points

An increase in:
• Inclusive, clear communication
• Positive, non-argumentative, conflict
• An openness and acceptance of other points of view
• Innovation
• Respectful behavior
• Supporting team members

IPD strives to provide inclusion training that is immediately actionable in the workplace. Within our employee diversity training sessions, participants have opportunity to reflect on how they will use the theories, knowledge, tools, and skills to improve their work and workplace. The training sessions are also highly interactive which naturally embeds opportunities for participants to do team-building and/or get to know their peers to improve workplace collaboration and communication.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Training Options For Companies in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and the Surrounding Suburbs


Diversity Equity and Inclusion for Leaders

Customized Training Workshops for Leadership Teams or Boards

Pricing: $

Interpersonal Communication

Customized Training Courses That Can Be Delivered To All Employees Or Just Your Leadership Team.

Pricing: $$

Intercultural Insights

Transform Your Organization By Embedding Intercultural Insights Into All Aspects of Your Organization’s Work.

Pricing: $$$