While it would be ideal to have a position dedicated to facilitating non-biased workplace discussions, it is not how most workplaces are set up.  Facilitating meetings that collect input and feedback is part of most leadership roles, which is why this workshop focuses on providing skills and tools that can be used in various meeting-leading situations.

Those who complete all 6 modules will earn the Workplace Facilitation Certificate or the Public Sector Facilitation Certificate depending on the focus of your customized workshop case study.

These are issued as digital badges.

Use these 6 modules to help your managers, supervisors, and project managers facilitate better meetings with better results.

Module 1: Facilitation 101

The objectives of this module are to:

  • Understand the role of the facilitator and when it starts
  • Know when, how, and who to invite
  • Determine when a meeting is not even needed
  • Use group dynamics to increase meeting engagement with a positive exchange of ideas
  • Close meetings to encourage action

Module 2: Information Gathering Techniques

The objectives of this module are to:

  • Comprehend that gathering information is critical
  • Understand techniques to gather information and the purpose/usefulness of each technique
  • Apply techniques to elicit opinions
  • Utilize basic root cause analysis techniques

Module 3: Beyond Information Gathering

The objectives of this module are to:

  • Be aware and plan for the social facilitation factor (people change reactions based on who else is in the room)
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of decision-making models
  • Instruct your own participants on tools for constructive group participation

Module 4: Harnessing Conflict

The objectives of this module are to:

  • Know how to leverage conflict
  • Utilize strategies to keep people on task during a meeting

Module 5: Customizing Special Situations

The objectives of this module are to:

  • Analyze the meeting situation to anticipate obstacles
  • Use tools to minimize meeting saboteurs
  • Learn strategies to pause a meeting run amuck

Module 6: Applying Facilitation Techniques

This final module is a case study to earn the digital badge.

The objective of this final module is provide a safe space to practice facilitation skills before leading a live audience.

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