We develop and deliver high quality, demand-driven, relevant courses that empower participants from around Minneapolis and St. Paul, and now thanks to our online and virtual options – nationally; to immediately apply their new knowledge to their professional practices.
We collaborate with practitioners and leaders to develop courses in our focus areas – Leadership, Business Architecture Certification, and business skills. IPD staff and industry-specific advisory boards thoroughly vet all courses before we add them to our catalog.

Policies, Procedures, Rules and Guidelines

Cancellations – Class cancellations must be done fourteen full business days before the class start date. No refunds for cancellations of less than fourteen full business days.

No Shows/Missed Classes – Refunds will not be issued for any missed class.

Late Arrivals/Early Departures – Metropolitan State University reserves the right to decrease continuing education units issued for late arrivals and early departures.

Written confirmation will be sent to you a week before class. If a class is canceled, you will be contacted by phone, mail, or email. Metropolitan State University reserves the right to cancel courses due to insufficient enrollment or unforeseen circumstances, such as weather (a full refund will be granted).