Respectful inclusion starts at the top level when leaders model desired behaviors and connect the work of the organization to DEI through mission, vision, and strategic initiatives.  These courses equip your board members and leaders to model respectful effective communication even when discussing the most challenging issues facing your organization.  This training is offered in short courses that can be delivered to accommodate the busy schedules of your leaders:

  • in-person
  • virtually or
  • stacked in a workshop style
Consider adding 1 or more of these courses to your annual board, council, or leadership retreat.

Leaders who complete all 3 courses will earn the Inclusive Leader Certificate issued through Credly.

Course Option:

Building Cultural Awareness and Humility

Board members and leaders desire to recognize and respect the values, beliefs, and identities of other people.  Cultural Awareness and Humility is a life-long process of asking ourselves how our own biases might impact the way we treat and understand others. This course offers strategies to improve cultural humility and increase awareness of power imbalances and bias.

Course Option:

Communicating in a Diverse World

Board members, city councils, and organizational leaders recognize the importance of communicating effectively especially when discussing challenging issues for the organization. This course provides tools for communicating effectively with one another and setting the example for how others in the organization should respectfully communicate with all identities throughout the organization- focusing specifically on communicating across differences.

(This course can be especially helpful when new board members or leaders are added.)

Course Option:

Using Inclusivity to Broaden Representation

Many boards envision a diverse and inclusive community representation for their organization, yet their leadership does not always reflect this desired diversity. When board membership is through appointment or invitation, it can be especially difficult to comprise a board of inclusiveness without tokenizing any individuals. This course provides leaders with tools and strategies to live their mission, vision, and values by expanding their spheres of influence to create a community representing many experiences.

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